Common Thyroid Disorders

Common Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disease and disorders can occur when your thyroid gland is not functioning as it should, some of the most common types of possible complications will be discussed below, but you can learn more by contacting Dr. Juan Carlos Zubieta at North Houston Diabetes Institute in Humble, TX.

Thyroid Gland

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck and is part of your body's endocrine system. The various organs that make up this system secrete hormones that help regulate a wide variety of your body's functions.

When there is a problem with your thyroid, the two most common disorders are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Although the two terms can be difficult to distinguish at just a glance, they are on the opposite spectrum of thyroid disorder.

Hypothyroidism refers to when a person's thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone, while hyperthyroidism is when it produces too much of it.

Hypothyroidism is more common among women and can cause a slowdown in metabolism and lead to a number of possible complications, including enlargement of the thyroid gland.

With hyperthyroidism and too much thyroid hormone in the body, the metabolic process can increase and also cause an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, fatigue, and other potential health problems.

Thyroid Disease Treatment in Humble, TX

Our doctor can diagnose thyroid disorders by looking over your family history, and a physical examination, which usually includes checking the thyroid gland for swelling, blood tests, and checking your heart rate, among other tests.

Hypothyroidism can be successfully managed with the help of your doctor, usually with thyroid replacement therapy. For hyperthyroidism, because the thyroid gland is overactive, treatment is aimed at reducing its function with either radiation therapy or surgery, after which thyroid replacement therapy may also be necessary.

If you are struggling with thyroid disease you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Zubieta of North Houston Diabetes Institute in Humble, TX, by dialing (832) 644-9595.

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